Wednesday, 9 November 2016

Fantasy Terrain Series: Medieval Houses.

At the moment I have 3 medieval Style houses in the fantasy range. They are all fairly simple to put together but have a heap of details on them. I hope to have a pdf for download that will contain extra's to add to the houses.

Anyway here is a look at the houses.

This is the first house I made. Very simple and easy to put together it is approx. 6" wide and about 5" high.

This is the Second house I made. I wanted a two story house that would fit on an A4 sheet. It is approx. 5" square and about 8" high (20cm)

And we have the third house in the series. Once again very simple and made to fit on 1 A4 sheet. The balcony adds a lot of personality. The Shutters are extras and can be left of if not required but help to break up the flat wall.

I hope to add to this series with a Chapel/Church a bar and a shop of some sort. there is also a Windmill, Waterwheel Crypt and scatter terrain and fences to add to the collection. We can have a look at a few of these in the next post.
